In addition, there are special features highlighting examples that illustrate the diversity of human languages, noteworthy research discoveries, and case histories of extraordinary individuals. Each chapter includes multiple pedagogical features, such as key terms, review questions, suggested projects, recommended readings and videos. The book contains 12 chapters with in-depth discussions the biological basis of language, perceptual development, grammatical development, development of lexical knowledge, social aspects of language, bilingualism, the effect of language on thought, cognitive processing in language production and comprehension, language-related delays and disorders, and language late in life. An infant born today could master any language in the world, regardless of the language’s characteristics. The characteristics of these languages vary widely. There are between 4,000 and 6,000 languages remaining in the world.

This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the topic of language development, taking a perspective that covers the period before birth through old age.